Italian EME contest
XI Italian ARI EME 2004 contest, results
Also the 11th EME contest is now history; its modes remain limited to CW& SSB, notwithstanding
 the technical progress for which we must tankJoe K1JT we feel that operator ability must remain
 the main resource. Thesituation is evolving, during the first Italian EME meetings it had 
beenforecasted by Andrea IW5BHY (who had built his first DSP systems in1990/91) that in the near
 future it would be possible to have a qso witha 16 element antenna and 100 W; in our last EME meeting
 Pippo I0FTG hasshown the possibility of SSB qsos at low power levels. When the presentsituation
 will have evolved giving new advanced possibilities but stillwith the operatorfs intelligence 
as the key factor, and withoutassistance by Internet, we will be happy to add these new modes. 
Atpresent some operators make inappropriate use of information exchangedvia the web.
On 11/12th September 2004 the propagation has been good for part of thetime in 144 MHz, very bad 
due to polarization rotation in 432 MHz.
Partecipation is still penalized by the small number of US stations whotake part; fortunately all 
the rest of the EME world takes active part tothe contest; Europe is now the world center of EME 
activity and newstations are emerging.
Italian stations present in the contest were: I1ANP, I1AXE, IK1FJI,IK1SPR, IK1UWL, I2FAK, I2RV, 
I6BQI, I6WJB, IK7EZN, I0UGB, for a total of 29 participants.
Results of the 11th EME contest:
Foreign stations 144 MHz
Cat.         Call               QSO    It. Stations   Points    Antenna   
A)   1     YO3FFF            9             3         153     1  x  16 el.F9FT           
       2     YU7BCL           5            2            92     1 x 14 el. (9.98mt.).
B)   1    F8DO                15            6           276    4  x 2.5WL (4.91mt.)
       2   PA3CMC             5            3           113    1  x 2M8WL  25 el. (16mt)
      3    JM1GSH              4            2             82    4  x 11el. 4.95mt (19.8mt)
      4   DL7UDA              3            1             51    2  x 10 el. DK7ZB (12mt)
C)  1    YO4FRJ            25            6           376      4  x 17B2cc(40mt.) 
      2    RK3FG             27             5          365      4  x  14 el. 4.7WL(39.32mt)
     3     DL2OM            23            5           335      4  x 12 el.  M2  
     4     F0CXO             22            5           325      4  x 17B2cc
     5     EA3DXU         17            6           296     2  x   5 WL
     6     F9HS               16             5           265     4  x  3 WL
     7     UA4AQL         13            4           240     4  x 13 el. DJ9BV
     8     9A9B               10            4           194      4  x 16el. F9FT
     9     EA1ABZ          15            2           192     4  x 12 el. (24mt)
D)  1    G3ZIG              41          11           641     8  x  3.99WL  15 el.DJ9BV
      2     S53J                 29            8           468     4  x 17 el. 2M5WL
      3    YU1CF             12            4           204     8  x 10 el. DUAL  (51.2mt)
      4    JE1KFX              6            3           123     4  x  5.5 WL   
E/F) 1    F3VS                73        13         1003    24  x 12.4 mt. cad.
        2    KB8RQ            62        10           840     24  x 13 el. 4WL
        3    W5UN              51        13           783      ?
        4    DK7KF              8          3           143      16  x 18 el.
Crossed yagis 144 MHz
Cat. B)  1    RA3IS              4          2             82      2  x 19 el. cross-yagi 10mt.(20mt)
C/D)    1    SV1BTR            72        14           1014   16  x 1.1WL  6 el. cross-yagi (35.2mt) 
           2    RU1AA              54        13             813    4  x 5.27WL  cross-yagi
           3    SP7DCS             42        10             630    4  x 21 el. cross-yagi
           4    LZ1DP               29        10             500    4  x  5 WL DJ9BV cross-yagi
           5   WB9UWA          22         5              325    4  x  12el. UWA  (24mt.)cross-yagi
           6   K6PF                  13         5               235    4  x 2MXP20  (28mt.)
           7   SM7WSJ              8         3               143    4  x 28XP
SWL)  1  JF4TGO/8             3          1                51    2  x 2MXP20 3WL  (12mt.)
                                          432 MHz
A)     1   JA9BOH              2           -                20     4 x 2.8 mt. (11.2mt.) 
B)     1    SK0CC               2            -               20     8  x  2.5mt. 17 el. ( 20mt.)
         1    DL7UDA            2           -               20     4  x 21 el. DK9ZB (21.2mt.)
         3    EA3DXU            1           -               10     2  x  38 el. M2
C/D)  1    S52CW              8           -                80     8  x  7.7 WL  DJ9BV(43.2mt.)
         2   SP2JLW              7           -                70      8  x 32 el. DJ9BV 
        3    JA6AHB             4           -                40      Dish 7 mt.
        4    S53J                    1           -                10      4  x 28M9WL
                                      1296 MHz
         1    G4CCH             17           3             223    Dish  5.4mt.
         2    VA7MM             5           -                50    Dish 3 mt.   
No log was received for the higher bands, though there was activity, lostchance.
Italian stations 144 MHz
A)    1     IZ2DJP/P            5             4               50         1  x  16JXX
        2     IK2GRA             1              1              10          1  x 11 F9FT
B)     1     IZ4BEH             7              4              70          2  x 16 JXX
        2     IK1SPR             2              2               20          2  xKLM13LBA (14.6mt.)
C)    1     IK2DDR           47            15              470        4 x 19LLY
        2     I2RV                 20             6               200       4  x  14KLM
        2     I3EVK              19             5               190       4  x  19LLY
        4    I1ANP               16             6               160       4  x  4.4 WL DJ9BV
       5     I5WBE                7             4                  70      4  x  16 el.
D)    1    I3DLI                64           15               640      6  x  19LLY
        2    IK1FJI               37             8               370      4  x   5. WL
F)    1    I2FAK              101          15             1010     24  x  19LLY
Crossed yagis 144 MHz
C)   1     IK7EZN             13            5                130   4  x 16 el. X-yagis
D)   1     IK1UWL            30           8                 300   4  x  5  WL  X-yagis
F)   1     IK3MAC          110          18               1100   24 x 23 LLY + 24 x 10 el yagi Vert.
                                           432 MHz
  Cat. B)   1    IZ2FOB       1             -                  10     4  x 21 F9FT
        D)   1    IN3JJI          1             -                  10      8  x 33 el.    
1296  MHz
      1      IK3COJ              6            -                  60     Dish 3mt.
                                     10 GHz
      1     IQ4DF                 6            2                  60    Dish 7 mt.
      2     I5PPE                  4            2                  40     Dish 3 mt.
      3     IK2RTI               2            2                   20    Dish 4.8mt.
Prises will be given during the next EME meeting, at the Hotel Joseph inMarina di Pietrasanta
 (LU) on April 30th and May1st 2005.  
After the meeting, for stations not present, send via mail price andcertificate . TNX to all, 
for partecipation on contest .
XII Italian EME Contest on 17 / 18 September 2005, 00.00 / 24.00 utc.
Mario I1ANP     Italian EME Manager  .

Vy 73' de Enrico i5wbe 

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