Italian EME contest
                      Result of 8th Italian EME contest

                         Memorial I5TDJ Piero Moroni

  Last year 2001, the Italian EME contest entitled to Piero Moroni I5TDJ,
  friend, Master for Vhf and Up, also for EME and of life, now are on 
  silent key, i hope help we remember him for a that was, ONE of WE.

  On Italy haved e week-end from forget, the wx was bad. Also the
  nearness to new moon increased the noise on band, with a great 
  problem for little stations. Next contest looking for a better position
  of the moon near perigee and a god distance of a new moon.
  Also the World, haved a bad period from forget, 11 september event. 
 Were present: I1ANP, I1PIK, IK1FJI, IZ1BPN, I2FAK, I2RV, IK2DDR, IK2MMB, 

                     Classification stranger stations
                                144 MHz
  Pos. Call      n.qso  It.stns  points  cat.  antennas
  Category B) 
  1) SM5BSZ Leif      17      3      233     B    (1 x 2SA13X cross-yagiBSZ)
  2) JA9BOH Kimio     14      2      182     B    (2 x 3 wl bvo, 2 x 6.2mt.)
  3) N2WK Wayne       11      2      152     B    (4 x CC214b, 4 x 4.57 mt.)
  4) DD0VF Steffan     6      2      102     B    (4 x 7 el., 4 x 3.16mt.)  
  4) SP7DCS Chris      6      2      102     B    ( 1 x 12.87 mt.yagi DCS )

  Category C)
  1) JH2COZ Yasu      19      4      274     C    (4 x 14el. JA9BOH, 3.6WL)
  2) LZ2US Marko      17      3      233     C    (4 x KLM17LBX, 4 x 9.5mt.)
  3) EA3DXU Jose'     16      3      223     C    (2 x 17 M2 , 2 x10.07 mt.)
  4) YU7BCL Club      17      2      212     C    (4 x 10el.BVO,4 x 6.24mt.)
  5) YO2AMU Doru      12      4      204     C    ( 4 x 16el. F9FT )
  6) SM5CFS Bjorn     15      2      192     C    (4 x 16LBX, 4 x 8.5mt. )
  7) 9A9B Branimir    11      2      152     C    (4 x 16el. F9FT )
  8) PA3DZL Jac        9      2      132     C    (4 x 17el. 3.6WL )
  9) N2VR  Mike        2      0       20     C    ( 4 x 13B2CC  )

  Category D)
  1) G3ZIG Roy        56      8      728     D    (8 x 15el. 3,99WL )
  2) G0RUZ Conrad     34      4      424     D    (4 x 5WL BVOPT,4x10.45mt.) 
  3) S52LM  Milos     26      7      407     D    (4 x 17M2 5WL ) 
  4) S53J Club        10      4      184     D    (4 x 17M2 5WL )
  5) JH0WJF Nori      10      3      161     D    (4 x 17M2)
  6) SM7WSJ Hakan     10      2      142     D    ( 4 x 18M2 )
  7) K6PF   Bob        7      2      112     D    (4 x 2MXP20.4x3WLcrossyagi)

  Category E)
  1) RU1AA Alex       73      9      919     E    (4 x 5.4WL cross-yagi)
  2) DL5MAE Wolfgang  33      5      435     E    (8 x 17M2 )
  3) LZ1DP Christo    23      4      314     E    (4 x 5WL BV cross yagi)
  4) DL7MAT Albert    12      1      141     E    (8 x 17M2 )

  Category F)
  1) F3VS Claude           100     11     1231     F   (24 x 20bV H.+ 8 x 20BV
  Category SWL   
  1) JF4TGO/8 Shinobu  3      1       51    SWL  (2 x 20MXP20 3WL)
  Not received any log for A) category.

                                   432 MHz

  Category A)
  1) DL5LF  Frank      2      0       20     A   (2 x 9BV 8.5WL )

  Category B)
  1) EA3DXU jose'      6      0       60     B   (2 x 38el. M2 )

  Category C,D)
  1) UA3PTW Dmitrij    16      0      160     C   (16 x 15el.BV.  16x2.8mt)
  2) UT3LL  Walery     11      0      110     C   (6 x 27el.BV. tot. 36mt.) 
  3) JA6AHB Toshio     10      0      100     D   ( 7 mt. dish )
  4) JH4JLV Kazu        5      0       50     D  (4 x 34el.H+ 4x 32el.BOH V )
  Categories C,D, for rule, are togheter.
                                  1296 MHz 
  1) G4CCH Howard      19      3      253        5.4 mt. Dish.
  2) DK0ZAB Christian  10      0      100        10 mt. Dish.
  3) JA6AHB Toshio      3      1       51        7 mt. Dish.
  4) JH5LUZ Yasumasa    1      0       10        5 mt. Dish.

                                  2.3 GHz

  1) JA4BLC Yoshiro     1      0       10        40 dB Dish.

  Not received log for frequency UP.

                         Italian stations results
                                 144 MHz

  Category C)
  1) I3EVK Bruno       25      3      250    C   ( 4 x 19LLY )
  2) IK2DDR Frank      24      4      240    C   ( 4 x 4218cc mod.)
  3) I2RV Pietro       22      3      220    C   ( 4 x 16KLM )
  4) I1ANP Mario       15      3      150    C   ( 4 x 16BV  )
  5) I5YDI Luigi        7      0       70    C   ( 4 x 15BV )
  5) IK7EZN Ermanno     7      2       70    C   ( 4 x 16 JXX )
  7) IZ1BPN Stefano     2      0       20    C   ( 4 x F9FT )

  Category D)
  1) I3DLI Paolo       80     10      800    D   ( 6 x 19LLY )

  Category F)
  1) I2FAK Franco     100      6     1000    F   ( 24 x 19LLY ) 
  Category SWL
  1) IZ2DAY Matteo     14      0      140    SWL  ( 24 x 19LLY)
  2) IK6MLI Pino       12      5      120    SWL  ( 2 x 11 KLM) 
                                 432 MHz

  Category D) 
  1) IN3AGI Giorgio     2      0       20    D   ( 8 x 33el. tot. 92mt.)

                                1296 MHz

  1) I0UGB Giuseppe     5      1       50      5 mt. Dish.
  2) IK3COJ Aldo        2      0       20      3 mt. Dish. 
                                 10 GHz

  1) i5PPE Pietro       1      0       10      dish. 

  The Winners are;     SM5BSZ            I3EVK
                       JH2COZ            I3DLI 
                       G3ZIG             I2FAK
                       RU1AA             IZ2DAY
                       F3VS              IN3AGI
                       JF4TGO/8          I0UGB
                       DL5LF             I5PPE

  A best compliment at winners, others were present, but not sended log, 
  to all my thanks for partecipation, i remember to all, pse send the 
  log for survival of the contest, much stations send log with poor qso, 
  my particular thanks for your Ham spirit.  
  Price distribution, of this contest, on XI Italian EME meeting, on 27/
  28 April 2002, at usual place, Hotel Joseph, Marina di Pietrasanta, Lucca.
  For stranger people not present on meeting, after, it will be sended, via
  mail directly.
  Date of next Italian EME contest is 18/19 May 2002, 00.00/24.00utc.
  Changed part of the rule, especially for cross-yagi stns.

  Italian EME Manager
  I1ANP Mario Alberti, via Priv. Maralunga,12  19126 La Spezia  Italy.
e-mail or