Italian EME contest
ARI@                   Result of 7th EME Italian contest

On Italy haved a good week-end , the wx had been very bad the week before, 
very high wind on nord and rain. Good activity for Italian stns on 144 and 
432 MHz, on 1296 I0UGB and IK2MMB, up I6PNN and IK2RTI on 5,7 GHz and I5PPE 
on 10 GHz.
All noise, after rule publication of Italian EME contest, with presumed
penalize stations with cross-yagi antenna, nothing served, won again 
cross-yagi stations, this because, if station are on state of art, not is
possible comparison, between single polarization to cross-yagi.
During 2001 meeting, arranged a discussion, for rule and contest data, any 
suggestion are welcome.

was present : I1ANP, I1PIK, IZ1BPN, I2FAK, I2RV, IK2DDR, IK2MMB, IK2RTI,




                  Classification stranger stations

                              144 MHz

       Call          QSO    It.stn     points   Cat.   ant.

 Category B,C,D) antenna between 10.01 to 80 mt. 

 1)   SM5BSZ Leif    50        8        668    B  (1x13el crossyagi 8,35mt.)
 2)   WB9UWA Jim     47        5        575    C  (4xUWA12 el 6.05 mt. each) 
 3)   UA3PTW Dmitri  38        6        506    C  (4xyagi 6,55mt. each )
 4)   EA3DXU Jose'   31        6        436    C  (2x17M2 11.01mt each )
 5)   S52LM  Milos   27        5        357    D  (4x17M2   "      "   )
 6)   EA1ABZ Ramiro  25        4        334    C  (4x12 el WU 5.93mt each )
 7)   YO2AMU Doru    22        3        283    C  (4x16 F9fT ) 
 7)   S53J   Club    22        3        283    D  (4x17M2  ) 
 9)   AC3A   Scott   18        2        222    B  (4x9el.  5 mt. each )
10)   RW3PF  Peter   16        3        213    C  (4x10BV 6,40mt. each )
11)   JA0BLU Masato  18        1        201    D  (4x19el.+ 2x12el. )
12)   PA3DZL Jac     11        2        152    C  (4xyagi 7.5mt. each )
12)   SM0NKZ Johan   11        2        152    C  (4x16el.  ) 
14)   SP7DCS Chris    9        2        132    B  ( 1x 13.5mt. crossyagi )
14)   RA4AOR Alex     9        2        132    C  (4x14BV  ) 
16)   JA4BLC Yoshiro  6        2        102    D  (4x17M2 )
16)   JH0WJF Nori     6        2        102    D  (4x17M2 ) 
18)   JR0AEL Makoto   7        1         91    C  (4x10el.+2x10el. )
19)   YU7BCL Club     5        1         71    D  (4x15 crossyagi  )  
20)   KV6J   Bill     4        1         61    C  (4xK5GW  5.25mt. each ) 
21)   SM5CFS Bjorn    3        1         51    C  (4x16 el. )
22)   UA3DJG Nick     4        -         40    B  (4x10el. 5 mt. each )
23)   SM5TSP Lars     3        -         30    C  (4x15 CD  ) 

 Category E) antenna between 80.01 to 160 mt. length

 1)   RU1AA  Alex    97       13       1243    ( 4x15el. RU1AA crossyagi )
 2)   OZ1HNE Jorgen  69        9        879    (4x18el. crossyagi )
 3)   JL1ZCG Susumu  26        4        344    (16x9el. + 4x13el.)
 4)   LZ1DP Christo  24        4        324    (4x5wl BV crossyagi )

 Category F) antenna over 160 mt.

 1)   F3VS          100       18       1378     
 Not received any log for A category

                             SWL Category

                      hrd     It.stn     points             ant.
 1)   JF4TGO/8 Shinobu  2       -          20               (24 el.)

                                432 MHz

 Category A) antenna max 12,5 mt. length

 1)   PA3DZL Jac      3        _         30    (2x 4.60 mt. yagi )  
 2)   JA3SGR Toyo     2        -         20    (2x 25el.)
 Category B) antenna between 12.51 mt. to 50 mt. length

 1)   EA3DXU Jose    12        -        120    (2x 38el.)
 2)   UT3LL Walery   10        -        100    (4x27BV  24 mt. total length)  
 3)   JH0WJF Nori     3        -         30    (4x27el.M2 ) 
 4)   UA3PTW Dmitrij  2        -         20    (2x 36BV 9,2 mt. each)
 4)   DL5LF  Frank    2        -         20    (4x9BV   24 mt. total )
 6)   RW3PF  Peter    1        -         10    (4x24 el. )

 Category C) D) antenna from 50.01 mt. to over and dish up 4.5 mt. diameter

 1)   DL4MEA Guenter   33      3      339   C  (6x33el.yagi 48 mt. total )      
 2)   JA6AHB Toshio    27      2      292   D  ( 7 mt. Dish )
 3)   K8UC  Curt       22      -      220   D  ( 7.6 mt. dish )
 4)   JH4JLV Kazu       7      -       70   C  ( 6x 24 yagi ) 
 5)   JA4BLC Yoshiro    2      -       20   D  ( 6 mt. Dish )

 Categories C,D, for rule, are togheter.

                              1296 MHz

 1)   G4CCH  Howard    36      2      402    (5.4 mt. dish ) 
 2)   ON5RR  Marc      27      2      312    ( 6 mt. Dish )
 3)   F2TU   Pierrat   23      2      272    ( 8 mt. Dish )
 4)   HA5SHF Csaba     13      1      151    ( 3 mt. Dish )
 5)   JH5LUZ Yasumasa  12      -      120    ( 5 mt. Dish )  
 6)   JA4BLC Yoshiro   11      -      110    ( 6 mt. Dish )
 6)   PA3DZL Jac       11      -      110    ( 2.5 mt. Dish )
 8)   JA8IAD Michinori  9      -       90    ( 4 mt. Dish ) 

Not received log for 2.3 GHz and UP

                         Italian stations

                                 144 MHz

 Cat.B) ant. between 10.01 to 20 mt. length

 1)  IZ4BEH  Rob       3       2       20     (2x15el. BV ) 

 Cat. C)  ant. between 20.01 to 40 mt. length 

 1) IK2DDR Frank      58      10      580      (4x 18CCmod. 4,8 lambda)
 2) I2RV  Pietro      29       3      290      (4x 16KLM)
 3) IW5CNS Daniele    21       3      210      (4x15 el. )
 4) I1ANP  Mario      20       3      200      (4x 16BV) 
 5) IZ1BPN Stefano     7       1       70      (4x 17FT)
 6) I8TWK  Carlo       2       -       20      (4x12 BV )
 7) IZ8AZB Lucio       1       -       10      (4x12 BV )

 Cat D,E) ant. between 40.01 to 160 mt. length 

 1) I3DLI Paolo       82      12      820      ( 6 x LLY )
 1) I2FAK Franco      80      10      800      (16x 18xxxM2) 

 Cat.SWL)        HRD

 1) IK8XLD Rocco       1       -      10       ( 11 el. FT )

                                432 MHz

 Cat. A)  ant. max 12.5 mt. length

 1) IN3KLQ Giuliano   5        -      50     (2x 21 FT )

 Cat. B)  ant.between 12.51 to 25 mt. length 

 1) I5TDJ Piero       6        -      60     ( 4x 19 el. 4 mt. each )

 Cat D)   ant. over 50.01 mt.

 1) IN3AGI Giorgio    9        -      90     ( 8x 33el. total 92 mt.) 

                                1296 MHz

 1) I0UGB Giuseppe   10        -     100     ( 5 mt. Dish )


 1) I6PNN Amato       1        1      10     ( 4 mt. dish )       

 SM5BSZ                         IZ4BEH    
 RU1AA                          IK2DDR
 F3VS                           I3DLI
 JF4TGO/8 SWL                   IK8XLD SWL
 PA3DZL                         IN3KLQ
 EA3DXU                         I5TDJ
 DL4MEA                         IN3AGI  
 G4CCH                          I0UGB
 A best compliments at winners and thanks for all partecipants.

 Price distribution, of this contest, on Italian EME meeting on 12 to 13 
 May 2001, at usual place, Hotel Joseph, Marina di Pietrasanta, Lucca. 
 For people not present on meeting, after, it will be sended, via mail
 Date of 2001 Italian EME contest and rule, discussion during Italian EME 
 meeting, after, i will be sended via e-mail for all, on Packet, moon-net
 and are to

 Last 2000 test was present 29 Italian stns, hope next year, 
 they would be more.

   I1ANP Mario  Italian EME manager

   Mario Alberti, via privata Maralunga,12 I-19126 LA SPEZIA  ITALY

   e-mail  or IK1YEG e-mail:  or 
   IK1SBB e-mail: