Memorial Luigi Zorzino I2COR
The X Italian E.M.E. Contest Memorial Luigi Zorzino I2COR , is ended. Propagation up and down, low partecipation of USA stations. Italian stations present : I1ANP, IK1FJI, IK1UWL, I2FAK, I2RV, IK2DDR, IK2MMB, I3DLI, I3EVK, IK3COJ, I5WBE, IK7EZN, IK7UXY, I0UGB. Result of X Italian contest EME " Memorial Luigi Zorzino I2COR ". Foreign stations 144 MHz. Cat. Call QSO St. Ita. Points Antenna A) @1. YU7BCL 9 3 153 1 x 9.98mt. AZ,EL,25. turn 2. JA9BOH 3 1 51 2 x 5 mt. Create design 11 el. 3. YO3DMU 2 1 41 1 x 16el. DJ9BV 4.4WL 4. RA4AQ 2 - 20 1 x 13B2 CC no elev. B) @1. F8DO 15 3 213 4 x 2.5WL (4.91mt.) 2. WA6PY 11 3 173 2 x 4WL ( 8 mt.) C) 1. LZ2US 49 9 679 4 x KLM17LBX(9.4mt.) 2. SV1BTR 45 9 619 4 x 15el. UWA 4.4WL 3. DF2ZC 26 7 407 4 x 17 F9FT 4. RN6MT 25 4 334 4 x 12el. 3.2 WL 5. YO4FRJ 18 4 264 4 x CC17B2 (9.3mt.) 6. 9A9B 19 3 253 4 x 16el F9FT 7 . ES6RQ 14 4 224 4 x 9.9 mt. DJ9BV 8. YO2AMU 14 3 203 4 x 15el. DJ9BV 9. JH2COZ 11 3 173 4 x 14el. BOH 3.6WL 10. UR5LX 10 3 163 4 x 12 BQH 5.8mt. 11. RW3WR 7 2 112 4 x 15 DJ9BV 12. UA4AQL 7 1 91 4 x 13el. DJ9BV 13. EA3DXU 3 1 51 2 x 17M2 D/E) 1. G3ZIG 54 8 708 8 x 3.99WL 15 el. DJ9BV 2. S52LM 28 7 437 4 x 17M2 5WL 3. DL5MAE 30 5 405 8 x 17M2 4. DF0BV 26 6 386 8 x 17M2 5. S53J 13 5 235 4 x 2M5WL F) 1. F3VS 75 10 960 24 x 12.4 mt. cad. SWL) 1. JF4TGO/8 4 1 61 2 x 2MXP20 Cross antenna 144 MHz. C) 1. WB9UWA 31 6 456 4 x UWA12 Xpol. (6.05mt.) 2. K6PF 13 3 193 4 x 2MXP20 3. SP7DCS 11 3 173 2 x 21 el cross (13.5mt.) D) 1. RU1AA 77 10 970 4 x 14 ru1aa cross (5.27WL) 2. LZ1DP 22 5 325 4 x 5WL DJ9BV H/V 3. JH5FOQ 14 6 266 4 x 2M28XP 4. JL1ZCG 8 2 122 16 x 9el. 2.5 WLVert.+4 x 13el. 3.6WL Oriz. 432 MHz A) 1. JA9BOH 4 - 40 2 x 2.8mt. JA9BOH B)C) 1. EA3DXU 7 - 70 2 x 38 el. M2 2. K6JEY 6 - 60 4 x 25 K1FO 2. SK0CC 6 - 60 8 x 2.5mt. 4. UT3LL 2 - 20 6 x 27 el. DJ9BV ( 36 mt. tutto) D) 1. F2TU 17 - 170 8 mt dish. 2. JA6AHB 14 - 140 7 mt. dish 3. SP6JLW 8 - 80 8 x 32el. DJ9BV 4. JA4BLC 6 - 60 6 mt. dish 1296 MHz 1. F2TU 22 3 283 8 mt. dish 2. G4CCH 24 2 282 5.4mt. dish 3. WA6PY 10 1 121 2.4 mt. dish 4. JA6AHB 2 - 20 7 mt. dish 2304MHz 1. JA4BLC 5 - 50 6 mt. dish 1. F2TU 5 - 50 8 mt. dish 10 GHz 1. F2TU 2 - 20 8 mt. dish Italian Stations 144 MHz. C) 1. IK2DDR 40 8 400 4 x 19LLY 2. I2RV 27 6 270 4 x 14KLM 2. I3EVK 27 6 270 4 x 19LLY 4. I1ANP 21 6 210 4 x 4.4 WL DJ9BV 5. I5WBE 5 2 50 4 x 15 el. D) 1. I3DLI 72 10 720 6 x 19LLY 2. IK1FJI 51 7 510 4 x 5. WL F) 1. I2FAK 105 10 1050 24 x 19LLY Cross-antennas 144 MHz. C) 1. IK7EZN 10 4 100 4 x 16 el. Cross yagi D) 1. IK1UWL 23 7 230 4 x 5 WL cross yagi 1296MHz 1. IK2MMB 17 - 170 Dish 2. IK3COJ 12 - 120 3mt. dish Winner: YU7BCL, F8DO, LZ2US, G3ZIG, F3VS, JF4TGO/8, WB9UWA, RU1AA, JA9BOH, EA3DXU, F2TU, JA4BLC, IK2DDR, I3DLI, I2FAK,IK7EZN, IK1UWL, IK2MMB. The prize and certificate delivered during next Italian EME meeting on 2004, for stations not present, after the meeting, send via mail on address sended on the log. TNX to ALL I1ANP Mario Italian EME Manager